Stem Cell Therapy For Multiple Sclerosis

Stem Cell Therapy for MS

What goes wrong in MS is that one of the genes that helps the immune system differentiate between the body’s own proteins from the proteins of bacteria or viruses is damaged. This prevents the immune system from doing its job which is to protect the body. One of the consequences that a person with MS can experience is that their immune system can no longer control inflammation which can result in nerve damage and also damage on the myelin system.  Stem cell therapy at Giostar Mexico can help the immune system recognize the damaged proteins so they can be eliminated. 


Giostar Mexico's Stem Cell therapy can reach the targeted site through their strong paracrine effects and can differentiate lost neurons or help revive the damaged ones to restore their function. Thus with our standardized, broad-based and holistic approach, it is now possible to obtain improvements and slow down or stop the progression of progressive MS.

What causes MS?

Multiple Sclerosis(MS) is a neurological and central nervous system degenerative disease, and it can affect a person to the point of disabling him or her.

In MS the connectivity between the brain and the body is compromised, the immune system attacks the myelin, which is a lipid-rich substance that covers the nerves, isolating the electrical impulses and facilitating their travel from neuron to neuron. Over time, the nerves can deteriorate due to the exposure and become permanently damaged.

Symptoms of MS vary from person to person. There are several types of MS and each affects the nerve to a different extent and which areas of the brain are the ones damaged.

Multiple Sclerosis has no cure yet, but scientist, biologist, and doctors work together to develop new therapies that are able to help slow down the deterioration and handle some of the symptoms.

Types of Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

Not all forms of MS are the same, there are 4 types of MS and they are classified by how far the disease has advanced and deteriorated the patient’s health. Your healthcare provider can give you a correct diagnosis of your condition, this will help you get the best therapy for you.

Clinically Isolated Syndrome

Clinically Isolated Syndrome(CIS) is a singular episode of neurologic symptoms that last 24 hours or more. The symptoms presented during this episode are the result of inflammation or demyelination in the central nervous system and cannot be tied to fever, infections, or other illnesses.

The patient can present just one symptom (monofocal episode) or several (multifocal symptoms) and can experience just this one episode or it can be the first episode of an MS attack. Damage to the brain can lead to more episodes and eventually an MS diagnose.

Relapsing-remitting MS

Relapsing-remitting MS is the most common type of MS. Approximately 85% of the population of MS has this type of diagnose.
Symptoms of Relapsing-remitting MS (RRMS):
  • Clearly defined relapses or flare-ups that result in episodes of intensive worsening of the neurologic function.
  • When MS stops it’s progression there are partial to complete recovery periods after the relapses and/or between MS attacks.
  • The presented symptoms are mild to severe.
  • Relapses and remissions last for days or months.

Progressive types of MS

Although most of the people are diagnosed with RRMS, some are diagnosed with progressive types of MS:
Primary Progressive MS
The progression of this disease is slow but steady from the time it starts. The symptoms present themselves in the same level of intensity without ever decreasing, and without remission periods, unlike RRMS. Patients with PPMS struggle with the constant deterioration of their health condition.
In PPMS, there can be small variations in the rate of the progression and it’s possible for minor improvements, sadly they tend to be temporary.
Secondary Progressive MS
On the beginnings of Secondary Progressive MS (SPMS), the patient can present a period of relapsing-remitting activity, with symptom flare-ups followed by recovery periods. This doesn’t mean the disability between cycles will disappear.
After this fluctuation period between relapses and remissions, the patient of SPMS can expect a steady downfall in their condition. Minor remissions or steady manifestation of the symptoms are possible but rare.
Without a treatment, patients with RRMS will eventually develop SPMS.

How does Stem Cell Therapy work?

Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that have the natural ability to regenerate cells and tissue. They help the body develop, reach maturity, and function as an inbuilt repair kit in case of injuries. In the regenerative medicine field stem cells are used for therapy to help patients with autoimmune degenerative diseases with the ultimate goal of helping the body heal itself.
Although in the US and Canada stem cell therapy is still mostly on its research stage, stem cell therapy is a legitimate therapy for patients with degenerative diseases and muscular injuries in other countries like China, India, Mexico, amongst others. This because medicine is a worldwide science and advancements are made each and every day in different parts of the globe allowing medicine to develop and eventually innovate and impact the lives of people all over the world.



Stem cell therapy cost 

Stem cell therapy cost for Multiple Sclerosis, in Giostar Mexico, starts at $8,500.00 USD for one application (half-treatment). Pricing highly depends on the personalized protocol that the Medical Director determines based on each patient's condition. What may this include?

  • Transportation from hotel-clinic, clinic-hotel and airport-hotel as well as hotel-airport (mainly for our Clinics in Playa del Carmen and Guadalajara; our Clinic in Los Algodones, due to its proximity to the US-Mexico border crossing, we pick up patients on the border or at Yuma Airport and take them to our clinic or their hotel)
  • Lodging (available in our Clinic in Algodones) in Hotel Hacienda or Hotel Cielito Lindo
  • Oxygen Therapy
  • Body preparation – Nutritional IV Therapy
  • 1 - 10 billion exosomes (volume depends on Doctor's personal evaluation of each patient)
  • 1 - 4 stem cell vials (35 - 140 million stem cells) - IV (Intravenous) and Local applications
  • Laboratory protocol by Dr. Anand (activation of the stem cells in order to direct them towards the affected tissue or organ)
  • Medical Consultation
  • Dietitian Follow up post-therapy
  • Preferential discount for future reinforcements/applications
  • Laboratory exams the previous day before the first application

Financial Option for Stem Cell Therapy


Giostar Mexico is continuously looking to provide our patients with resources and options to receive stem cell therapy at the best stem cell clinics in Mexico. We are happy to announce that, through United Medical Credit, our patients (exclusive for US citizens) may now receive up to $25,000.00 USD in credit for their treatment (note: price for therapy varies depending on the condition to be treated and a number of stem cells [vials] included). Patients can ask for the maximum amount of the credit or ask for a percentage based on the price of the therapy.

Stem cell therapy is a procedure in the regenerative medicine field. Regenerative medicine's ultimate goal is that our body regenerates itself. What stem cell therapy does in your body is slow down or stop the suffered deterioration and it can even regenerate damaged tissue and organs. That is why we ask our patients to fill out a health form, so our medical staff may first identify if stem cell therapy is actually an option for them, as well as allowing our medical team to understand each patient's specific health conditions.

Fill out this contact form and we will give you a call or email you as soon as possible. You can also contact us directly to our US landline 619-866-6000.

Get your FREE consultation by filling out this form now and start your recovery journey.

  • What is stem cell therapy?
  • Why travel for stem cell therapy to Mexico?
  • How much does stem cell therapy cost in Mexico?