Stem Cell Therapy Cost

How much does stem cell therapy cost?

When it comes to pricing, it is common for our patients to begin their questions with: how much does stem cell therapy cost? Gladly, we clarify that, depending on the condition to be treated, the number of IV and Local applications will vary. Also, we do not charge our patients per injection; rather, all of our prices vary according to the number of vials included in the personalized protocol each patient receives from our medical directors, who in turn consult with Dr. Anand Srivastava (our Chief Scientist Officer and Co-Founder).

Also, it is important to consider that treatment price may vary according to the specific interest each patient presents. We take into account the personal choices of patients regarding type of mesenchymal stem cell to be used (umbilical cord, adipose tissue or dental pulp), and if our medical directors determine that the treatment’s results will not be compromised, the patient selects the type of donor mesenchymal stem cells to receive. So, as you can see, the cost of stem cell therapy will greatly depend on what you decide! On average, the cost of Stem Cell Therapy with Giostar Mexico starts at $8,500.00 USD for one application (half-treatment). Pricing highly depends on the personalized protocol that the Medical Director determines based on each patient's condition.

What does an average stem cell treatment include?

  • (Transportation from hotel-clinic, clinic-hotel and airport-hotel as well as hotel-airport (mainly for our Clinics in Playa del Carmen and Guadalajara; our Clinic in Los Algodones, due to its proximity to the US-Mexico border crossing, we pick up patients on the border and take them to our clinic or their hotel)
  • Lodging (included in our Clinic in Algodones; lodging in Guadalajara and Playa del Carmen are paid by the patient)
  • Oxygen Therapy
  • Body preparation – Nutritional IV Therapy
  • 1 - 10 billion exosomes (volume depends on Doctor's personal evaluation of each patient)
  • 1 - 4 stem cell vials (35 - 140 million stem cells)
  • Laboratory protocol by Dr. Anand Srivastava (activation of the stem cells in order to direct them towards the affected tissue or organ)
  • Medical Consultation
  • Dietitian Follow up post-therapy
  • Preferential prices for future reinforcements/applications
  • Laboratory exams the previous day before first application

Free Quote for Stem Cell Therapy at Giostar Mexico

What to look forward to

Stem cell treatments have proven to be one of the most promising options for treating a wide variety of medical conditions. At Giostar Mexico, patients can look forward to a unique and personalized treatment experience. The clinic boasts a team of highly trained specialists who work closely with each patient to develop an individualized treatment plan that fits their specific needs.

Patients undergoing stem cell treatments at Giostar Mexico can expect high-quality care and a holistic approach to their health and well-being. Additionally, the clinic utilizes cutting-edge technologies to ensure that patients receive the best possible outcomes. With a focus on innovation and excellence in healthcare, Giostar Mexico is a trusted destination for those seeking state-of-the-art stem cell treatments.

Average stem cell therapy cost in different countries

If you made it this far, it means that you are near to begin your journey of regeneration! Stem cell therapy is at the forefront of regenerative medicine. Do not operate, regenerate! Surely you've heard that surgery is the "only" option for recovery of injuries, or that diseases are only treatable with pills. Medicine associated with big pharma tends to treat the symptoms, not the root cause of your condition. The main difference between stem cells and pills is that stem cells go to the heart of your ailment, actively working to improve your overall wellbeing and boost your immune system so your own body may recover your natural healing abilities. 

In this article:

How much does stem cell therapy cost?

Types of mesenchymal stem cells

Value versus Cost

Stem cell therapy cost for Knees

Stem cell therapy cost for Arthritis

Stem cell therapy cost for ALS

Stem cell therapy cost for MS

Does stem cell therapy cost vary in different countries?

What do our stem cell treatments generally include?

Are the cells ethically sourced, viable and regulated?

Does insurance cover stem cell therapy?

Stem Cell Therapy Financing

Why Choose GIOSTAR Mexico?

Types of mesenchymal stem cells

Types of mesenchymal stem cells for stem cell therapy

At Giostar Mexico we obtain stem cells from the umbilical cord and adipose tissue. With a procurement protocol to deliver the best stem cells for our patients.

Umbilical Cord: After a baby is born, cord blood is left in the umbilical cord and placenta. It is relatively easy to collect, with no risk to the mother or baby. It contains haematopoietic (blood) stem cells: rare cells normally found in the bone marrow.

Adipose Tissue: Adipose tissue-derived stem cells (ADSCs) are mesenchymal cells with the capacity for self-renewal and multipotential differentiation. This multipotentiality allows them to become adipocytes, chondrocytes, myocytes, osteoblasts and neurocytes among other cell lineages. Stem cells and, in particular, adipose tissue-derived cells, play a key role in reconstructive or tissue engineering medicine as they have already proven effective in developing new treatments.

Value versus Cost

Stem cell therapy has become a very popular treatment in the medical sector in recent years. Thanks to the different diseases that can be treated, such as: ALS or Lou Gehrig's Disease  (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), Multiple sclerosis and Arthritis. Medicine based on evidence is our medical philosophy that we practice on a daily basis. Thanks to the favorable results we have observed in our patients, we have permanently included additional support-therapies in our treatment protocols for each patient. 

We believe that by adding value while keeping our competitive costs down, we are able to provide our patients a much more robust, holistic and comprehensive medical treatment that maximizes the positive impact that the stem cells each patient receives have on their general wellbeing and specific condition to be treated. Furthermore, an important fact to consider is that due to the progressive legal framework in Mexico, we are able to provide patients with applications (injections) that, even though having proved to be much more efficient than just IV (Intravenous) for conditions such as ALS, MS and Arthritis, these applications are still unavailable in the United States and Canada. 

how much does stem cell therapy cost


Stem cell therapy cost for Knees 

For example, the average cost for stem cell therapy for knee pain, in Giostar Mexico, starts at $8,500.00 USD for one application (half-treatment). Pricing highly depends on the personalized protocol that the Medical Director determines based on each patient's condition.

What may this include?

  • Transportation from hotel-clinic, clinic-hotel and airport-hotel as well as hotel-airport (mainly for our Clinics in Playa del Carmen and Guadalajara; our Clinic in Los Algodones, due to its proximity to the US-Mexico border crossing, we pick up patients on the border or at Yuma Airport and take them to our clinic or their hotel)
  • Lodging (available in our Clinic in Algodones) in Hotel Hacienda or Hotel Cielito Lindo
  • Oxygen Therapy
  • Body preparation – Nutritional IV Therapy
  • 1 - 10 billion exosomes (volume depends on Doctor's personal evaluation of each patient)
  • 1 - 4 stem cell vials (35 - 140 million stem cells) - IV (Intravenous) and Local applications
  • Laboratory protocol by Dr Anand (activation of the stem cells in order to direct them towards the affected tissue or organ)
  • Medical Consultation
  • Dietitian Follow up post-therapy
  • Preferential discount for future reinforcements/applications
  • Laboratory exams the previous day before the first application

Free Quote for Stem Cell Therapy at Giostar Mexico


Stem cell therapy cost for Arthritis

Stem cell therapy cost for arthritis, in Giostar Mexico, starts at $8,500.00 USD for one application (half-treatment). Pricing highly depends on the personalized protocol that the Medical Director determines based on each patient's condition. What may this include?

  • Transportation from hotel-clinic, clinic-hotel and airport-hotel as well as hotel-airport (mainly for our Clinics in Playa del Carmen and Guadalajara; our Clinic in Los Algodones, due to its proximity to the US-Mexico border crossing, we pick up patients on the border or at Yuma Airport and take them to our clinic or their hotel)
  • Lodging (available in our Clinic in Algodones) in Hotel Hacienda or Hotel Cielito Lindo
  • Oxygen Therapy
  • Body preparation – Nutritional IV Therapy
  • 1 - 10 billion exosomes (volume depends on Doctor's personal evaluation of each patient)
  • 1 - 4 stem cell vials (35 - 140 million stem cells) - IV (Intravenous) and Local applications
  • Laboratory protocol by Dr. Anand (activation of the stem cells in order to direct them towards the affected tissue or organ)
  • Medical Consultation
  • Dietitian Follow up post-therapy
  • Preferential discount for future reinforcements/applications
  • Laboratory exams the previous day before the first application

Free Quote for Stem Cell Therapy at Giostar Mexico

What does stem cell therapy in Giostar include

Stem cell therapy cost for ALS

Stem cell therapy cost for ALS, on average in Giostar Mexico, starts at $8,500.00 USD for one application (half-treatment). Pricing highly depends on the personalized protocol that the Medical Director determines based on each patient's condition.

What may this include?

  • Transportation from hotel-clinic, clinic-hotel and airport-hotel as well as hotel-airport (mainly for our Clinics in Playa del Carmen and Guadalajara; our Clinic in Los Algodones, due to its proximity to the US-Mexico border crossing, we pick up patients on the border or at Yuma Airport and take them to our clinic or their hotel)
  • Lodging (available in our Clinic in Algodones) in Hotel Hacienda or Hotel Cielito Lindo
  • Oxygen Therapy
  • Body preparation – Nutritional IV Therapy
  • 1 - 10 billion exosomes (volume depends on Doctor's personal evaluation of each patient)
  • 1 - 4 stem cell vials (35 - 140 million stem cells) IV (Intravenous) and Intrathecal applications
  • Laboratory protocol by Dr Anand (activation of the stem cells in order to direct them towards the affected tissue or organ)
  • Medical Consultation
  • Dietitian Follow up post-therapy
  • Preferential discount for future reinforcements/applications 
  • Laboratory exams the previous day before the first application.

Free Quote for Stem Cell Therapy at Giostar Mexico

Stem cell therapy cost for MS

Stem cell therapy cost for Multiple Sclerosis, in Giostar Mexico, starts at $8,500.00 USD for one application (half-treatment). Pricing highly depends on the personalized protocol that the Medical Director determines based on each patient's condition.

What may this include?

  • Transportation from hotel-clinic, clinic-hotel and airport-hotel as well as hotel-airport (mainly for our Clinics in Playa del Carmen and Guadalajara; our Clinic in Los Algodones, due to its proximity to the US-Mexico border crossing, we pick up patients on the border or at Yuma Airport and take them to our clinic or their hotel)
  • Lodging (available in our Clinic in Algodones) in Hotel Hacienda or Hotel Cielito Lindo
  • Oxygen Therapy
  • Body preparation – Nutritional IV Therapy
  • 1 - 10 billion exosomes (volume depends on Doctor's personal evaluation of each patient)
  • 1 - 4 stem cell vials (35 - 140 million stem cells) - IV (Intravenous) and Intrathecal applications
  • Laboratory protocol by Dr. Anand (activation of the stem cells in order to direct them towards the affected tissue or organ)
  • Medical Consultation
  • Dietitian Follow up post-therapy
  • Preferential discount for future reinforcements/applications
  • Laboratory exams the previous day before the first application

Free Quote for Stem Cell Therapy at Giostar Mexico

Does stem cell therapy cost vary in different countries?

Prices of Stem Cell Therapy vary in function in the country. Speaking of the cost of stem cell therapy in Mexico, the price varies depending on the services and locations that eacg patient chooses. At Giostar Mexico, something that differentiates us from other clinics is that thanks to our licenses obtained from COFERPRIS - which is the equivalent of the FDA in Mexico - we can perform the treatment in the affected area with each required authorization.

Value comparison between stem cell therapy in usa and stem cell therapy in mexico

What do our stem cell treatments generally include?

Stem cell treatment in algodones mexico Stem cell therapy cancun mexico

Are the cells ethically sourced, viable and regulated?

An important question our patients ask before coming to our clinics is: Is stem cell therapy safe? We also understand that, perhaps, the real question is: 

Is stem cell therapy legal in Mexico? Yes and of course! 

In Giostar Mexico, we ask for each applicant to submit a health history form, from which our medical directors personally evaluate the viability of each applicant. This means that stem cell therapy may not be for everyone. 

Stem cell therapy is thoroughly regulated by the Mexican FDA equivalent: COFEPRIS. Due to advanced legislation, Mexico enjoys sufficient regulatory framework to offer applications otherwise unavailable in countries such as the US or Canada, for example, local direct applications (hands for arthritis, shoulder pain, knee pain), lumbar and cervical applications, all of which have proven better results for patients, than just receiving stem cell therapy intravenously.

Stem cell therapy patient with medical staff in Los Algodones Clinic, Giostar Mexico

Giostar Mexico's COFEPRIS operational licenses per facility


COFEPRIS Official License: Progenitor or Stem Cell Bank
Folio: 18-TR-02-02-0001
COFEPRIS Official License: Provision of Progenitor or Stem Cells (transplant)
Folio: 14-TR-02-002-0008


COFEPRIS Official License: Progenitor or Stem Cell Bank
Folio: 19-TR-23-008-0002
COFEPRIS Official License: Provision of Progenitor or Stem Cells (transplant)
Folio: 19-TR-23-008-0001

Does insurance cover stem cell therapy?

In the case of stem cell therapy, it’s a very simple reason why it isn’t covered by insurance yet: Stem cell therapy is not insured because of the lack of awareness there is about it. There are stem cell transplants from blood, bone marrow, umbilical cord, mesenchymal tissue, embryos, amongst others, there are allogeneic and autologous transplants, there are stem cell transplants that are done intrathecally, through IV or local applications.

Stem Cell Therapy Financing

Through United Medical Credit, our patients (exclusive for US citizens) may now receive up to $25,000.00 USD in credit for their treatment (note: price for therapy varies depending on the condition to be treated and a number of stem cells [vials] included). 

Crowdfunding option for stem cell therapy through Help Hope Live


Help Hope Live supports community-based fundraising for people with unmet medical expenses and related costs due to cell and organ transplants or catastrophic injuries and illnesses. These efforts play a critical role in helping clients access the care and equipment they need to heal, live, and thrive. 

Why Choose GIOSTAR Mexico?

Stem cell therapy

GIOSTAR Mexico offers personalized therapy. As each patient is different, here at GIOSTAR Mexico we develop personalized protocols for each one of them, although they may suffer from the same condition they are not the same. This is because genetics and other circumstances can affect differently how they respond to therapy.

It’s of utmost importance that you answer our health history form, this will determine two major factors: 

• Your eligibility for therapy

• Your personalized protocol is developed according to your needs.

Stem cell therapy is a procedure in the regenerative medicine field. Regenerative medicine's ultimate goal is that our body regenerates itself. What stem cell therapy does in your body is slow down or stop the suffered deterioration and it can even regenerate damaged tissue and organs. That is why we ask our patients to fill out health form, so our medical staff may first identify if stem cell therapy is actually an option for them, as well as allow our medical team to understand each patient's specific health condition.

If you want to find out if you're a candidate for stem cell therapy and more about stem cell therapy cost, you can fill out this contact form and we will give you a call or email you as soon as possible! Or contact us directly to our US landline at 619-866-6000


Get your FREE consultation by filling out this form now and start your recovery journey.

  • What is stem cell therapy?
  • Why travel for stem cell therapy to Mexico?
  • How much does stem cell therapy cost in Mexico?